White Bean Chili
White Bean Chili
Servings Prep Time
10people 20minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1 hour45 minutes 2 hours
Servings Prep Time
10people 20minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1 hour45 minutes 2 hours
  1. Rinse beans well, cover with cool water, and soak for 2 hours. Drain. Put beans in large pot with the chicken stock and bring to a boil over high heat.
  2. In a saucepan, heat the butter over medium heat. Add garlic, onion, and chiles and saute for 5 minutes. Add chile mixture to pot with beans. Add the chicken, cumin, oregano, pepper, red pepper flakes and cilantro. Lower the heat to medium and cook, stirring occasionally for approximately 1 1/2 hours. Serve with corn bread if desired.