Shrimp or Crab Louie
Shrimp or Crab Louie
Servings Prep Time
2 30 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 30 minutes
  1. Mix seafood, onion, celery and capers. Toss with a small amount of chopped lettuce.
  2. Add dressing and toss.
  3. Hold tomato on cutting board, stem side down. Cut into quarters and then into eighths. Do not cut all the way through the stem. Let the sections open out like flower petals.
  4. Build the salad. Start with a shallow bowl or salad plate. Place a nice large lettuce leaf flat on plate. Top with the tomato “flower”. Fill tomato with mixed salad, letting some slide out between the petals. Garnish with sliced egg, lemon wedges and asparagus on the side.
  5. Stir together until smooth.