Sandy’s Shrimp Fettuccine

This is one of the families’ very favorite recipes.  We served it at Jason and Deana’s rehearsal dinner and it has found the place of honor at many tables through time.  It is one of the few fettuccine recipes that can sit on a buffet table for awhile without getting sticky.  My favorite way to serve it is over home-made spinach noodles.  It is also good with store bought noodles spinach or egg. The only draw- back is that the leftovers do not do well heated up. Lesson learned, clean your plate!!!!!

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Sandy's Shrimp Fettuccine
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
  1. In a large skillet over medium heat, melt butter. Add garlic. Blend in cream, wine and salt and pepper. Boil slowly for 45 minutes. Stirring occasionally . Remove from heat and add 6 ounces of the grated cheese. Toss with the shrimp and the noodles. Top with remaining cheese.
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