Pot Stickers
Pot Stickers
Servings Prep Time
48won tons 1hour
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
48won tons 1hour
Cook Time
  1. In a large bowl, combine the filling ingredients. Mix with your hands until all ingredients are incorporated, and it’s uniform in texture
  2. Line a couple of baking sheets with waxed paper. Fill a small bowl with water. Unwrap the wontons and cover lightly with a piece of plastic wrap to keep them from drying out. Lay out the wrappers, a few at a time will expedite things. Dip finger in water and run it along the edge of the wrapper. Small children can help here. Put a rounded teaspoonful of filling in the middle of the wrapper.
  3. Fold the wrapper in half. Starting at the top of the half-circle and working toward the ends, press firmly together to seal, pressing out any air bubbles.
  4. Now pleat the flat edge using your moistened fingers. Lay the dumplings out on cooking sheets that have been dusted with cornstarch, to prevent the wontons from sticking to one another. This is the time to freeze them if you aren’t going to use them right away.
  5. In a large skillet, heat a tablespoon of vegetable oil over medium high heat. Working in batches, lay the dumplings on their sides in the pan in a single layer without crowding the pan . Cook until golden brown on the bottom, 2 or 3 minutes. Flip them over and add 1/3 cup chicken broth to pan and cover and cook for about 3 more minutes or until most of the broth has cooked away. Remove lid. Finish browning just a few seconds. This is the tricky part, if you leave them in the pan too long you will know how they got their name!!!! Remove them to a plate or rack. Do not drain on paper towels, they will stick Continue until all are cooked.
  6. Transfer dumplings to a platter. Top with some chile threads, ( optional) and serve with dipping sauce. Recipe to follow.
Dipping Sauce
  1. Combine 6 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 1/2 tablespoons rice vinegar, 4 1/2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil, 2 teaspoons toasted sesame seeds, 2 scallions, very thinly sliced and Sriracha sauce to taste.