Jock’s Chili’s Rellenos

Jock was looking for a relleno dish that he could make in individual servings.  After much research and extensive experimentation he has perfected this method that he is now sharing with you.  These not only look fantastic they taste as good as they look.  His method doesn’t in anyway compromise the taste you are looking for when you say “let’s have Chili Rellenos  for breakfast!”

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Jock's Chili's Rellano
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
  1. Place peppers on outdoor grill on high until soft and skin on the outside is blackened. Place peppers in plastic bag and let cool enough to handle. Using your fingers slide outer blackened "skin" from the peppers. Set aside the soft pepper.
  2. Separate eggs reserving 1 yolk.
  3. Combine egg whites, flour and baking powder and whip until soft peaks form. Combine the egg yolk with large scoop of sour cream. Whip until incorporated and then fold in with the egg whites.
  4. Spray ramekins with cooking spray and then fill them by layering half of the egg mixture, cover with enough pepper to cover the layer, grated cheddar cheese, heaping tablespoon cotija, heaping tablespoon cottage cheese, another layer of the pepper, topped with remaining egg mixture.
  5. Bake in 375 degree oven for 30 minutes or until mixture is real puffy in the ramekin. Then top with grated cheddar cheese for 10 more minutes or until cheese is melted.
  6. These can be served and eaten directly from the ramekin or inverted on a serving plate and toped with salsa of your choice.
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