Jason’s Grilled Vegetables in a Basket

Jason is our champion gardner.   He generously shares the bounty and we all enjoy the fruits of his labors.  Grilling is another one of his loves and the combination produces some delicious meals.  In this recipe he uses a grill basket.  We took these pictures in the beginning of the season so we just used a couple of varieties of squash.  Feel free to include tomato wedges, sliced onions, even some snap peas if you have them.  Let your imagination and the harvest be your guide.

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Jason's Grilled Vegetables in a Basket
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
  1. Put vegetables in grill basket and toss and cook until edges are browned.
  2. Add garlic to olive oil and brush liberally on browning vegetables. Stir and cook until they reach desired doneness.
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