Hasselback Potato
Hasselback Potato
Servings Prep Time
1 potatoe per person 10 minutes
Cook Time
50 to 80 minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 potatoe per person 10 minutes
Cook Time
50 to 80 minutes
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Wash and dry potatoes. Carefully cut straight slits in the potatoes, leaving the bottom intact. Try to evenly space the slices 1/8 to 1/4 inch apart. You can place the potato between a couple of chop sticks to keep your knife from cutting through.
  2. Brush the potatoes with melted butter/olive oil combination. Place on baking dish and season with salt and pepper. (Don’t worry about getting the oil between all the slices yet.) Bake for about 30 minutes.. Remove the pan from the oven and brush the potatoes again , making sure some of the oil drips down into the space between the slices. Bake another 30 or 45 minutes until potatoes are crispy on the edges and easily pierced in the middle with a knife.
  3. Serve as is, or garnish with typical potato garnishes, ie; sour cream, chives, fry sauce, bacon bits, use your imaginations and your families’ taste preferences.