Cucumbers in Sour Cream Salad

The first time I ate this salad was at Joe’s mother’s house in Pa.  It was a hot and humid night and its’ refreshing cool taste hit the spot.  It still does.  A real summer favorite.  If you want to nix the sour cream, for any reason, cover cucumber slices with rice vinegar sweetened with sugar or Splenda.  Good with any bar-b-cue.

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Cucumbers in Sour Cream Salad
Prep Time 15 minutes
Passive Time 1 hour
Prep Time 15 minutes
Passive Time 1 hour
  1. Peel cucumbers. Slice into thin rounds. Place slices in a strainer and let drain 1 hour or longer. Mix remaining ingredients. Add cucumbers and onions. Refrigerate for and hour before serving or up to 8 hours.
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