Chocolate Fondue

This is a recipe that promotes ooohs and aaaahs around your table but also keeps the conversation alive…….which one is your favorite?…..have you tried the strawberries yet?…… I never thought of dipping pretzels into chocolate fondue, don’t you love the salty/sweet taste….. etc. etc. This can be your featured dessert or a station at a dessert party. However you decide to serve chocolate fondue it will be in your guests memories for a long time!!!!!

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Chocolate Fondue
For dipping
For dipping
  1. Put cream and chocolate in a small pan over low heat. Stir occasionally until chocolate is melted. Be patient, if the chocolate temperature gets too hot it will seize. Also don't let any water get in the pot. Once the chocolate and cream are smooth, remove from heat and add vanilla and liqueur. Pour into fondue pot and maintain a low heat. Watch carefully so it doesn't burn. Enjoy !!
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