Chipped Beef on Toast

There is a story to go with this recipe.  It was one of Joe’s favorite weekend breakfasts, or Saturday lunch.  He would request it often and almost as often make it himself.  One weekend we had Jason’s children over and grandpa Joe fixed chipped beef on toast. ” What did you call this?”, they shouted! “This isn’t chipped beef, this is Daddy’s Surprise.”  Apparently this is one of Jason’s favorite too,  only he had told his kids he invented it.! Whether you want to make it up yourself or tell your children you invented it it will be a hearty meal on anyone’s table.  One more side note: At one time chipped beef came in a glass jar with a metal lid that you would pop off  with a bottle opener.  Since it didn’t have any threads on the rim the glass was more than likely recycled as a juice glass.  My Grandmother’s cupboard was full of them.   The jars seemed to disappear, but I think you might be able to find canned chipped beef.  Our family has used the thinly sliced beef packed by Biddings and found in the lunch meat counter.  Our  name for it is Wiggely Meat.

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Chipped Beef on Toast
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
  1. Make a rue by melting butter in a sauce pan. Stir flour into butter. It will foam a bit and then turn into a smooth paste. Slowly add milk stirring in between each addition until sauce is smooth, continue cooking and stirring until it thickens into a gravy consistencey . Add chipped beef and continue cooking and stirring over low heat until the meat is heated through. Serve over buttered biscuits or toast.
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