Cabbage Rolls

The first time I ever heard of a cabbage roll, I was married and had three children.  We took a trip to see Joe’s parents in Pennsylvania and what do you know there was talk about cabbage rolls.  It was  high on the list of favorites of most anyone you met.  There was talk of cabbage rolls for dinner , the race to eat cabbage roll leftovers the next day etc. etc.  Well when I finally got to taste them and cook them myself I joined the fan club.  Now our children are members also.  Here they are in all their traditional glory.  Hail to Pennsylvania!!!!

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Cabbage Rolls
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 2 hours
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 2 hours
  1. Cook rice in 1 1/4 cups milk over low heat until fluffy.
  2. Remove cabbage leaves from head and immerse in boiling, salted water; cook until partially translucent and pliable; drain.
  3. Combine meats with 1 cup milk, salt, pepper, and rice; mix thoroughly. Spoon meat mixture onto base of cabbage leaf, roll up like a burrito. Place seam side down a cookie sheet.
  4. Brown rolls in hot oil, remove from pan and place in a crock pot or Dutch oven. Sprinkle each layer of rolls with some brown sugar. Pour over tomato juice to cover. Cook in 350 degree oven for 2 hours, or crock pot til meat is done.
  5. Grandma McGowan (Ila) would serve mashed potatoes on the side.
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