Bananas Foster

Bring out the “show biz” side of your personality and wow your guest with this very simple dessert.  They will be talking about it and your culinary skills for weeks afterwards.  Chef John Turenne at Yale notes the this bananas foster recipe, always a hit, was created in New Orleans’s Brennan’s Restaurant in the 1950’s.  For best results, be sure to use firm, ripe bananas.   In our family, monkies seem to be a recurring party theme. ( I think the number of boys we have is a clue as to why.)  Anyway, monkeys and bananas just go together so elegant or fun this recipe is a winner!!!!  Don’t worry about feeding children alcohol, the flame burns it off.

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Bananas Foster
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
  1. Cut bananas in half crosswise, then lengthwise. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add brown sugar and cook, stirring constantly, 2 minutes. Add bananas to skillet and sprinkle with cinnamon.
  2. Remove skillet from heat. Stir in rum, and carefully ignite the flames just above the mixture with a long match. Let flames die down. Return to heat and cook 3 to 4 minutes or until soft. Serve with a scoop of ice cream.
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