Rose Bowl Beans / Lima Beans and Ham

This was one of Joe’s favorite recipes to cook and to eat.  It was definitely one of his specialties, and we all love it!  Traditionally made on New Years Day with the ham bone from Christmas dinner, lima beans and ham was re-named Rose Bowl Beans.  It’s good any time you want to feed a…

Pumpkin-Molasses Muffins

        These moist velvety muffins taste best when served with Ginger-Honey Butter!  Delicious for breakfast or make them in a mini pan and serve as part of a tea-party tray. 

Oatmeal Cookies

The oatmeal cookie rose to popularity in the early 1900’s.  It has been one of my favorite’s ever since (he! he!)  O.K. so I probably didn’t find out about them until some delicious day after 1941!  I love the moist chewy flavor with an occasional sweet raisin surprise. If you are trying to justify eating…