Pumpkin-Molasses Muffins

        These moist velvety muffins taste best when served with Ginger-Honey Butter!  Delicious for breakfast or make them in a mini pan and serve as part of a tea-party tray. 

Honey Buttered Chicken Wings

This is an old chicken wing recipe.  It was a real go-to for years.  The boys would eat so many they would build log cabins on their plates with the bones!  Then came the chicken wing craze to make them the hottest, spiciest thing you could eat and these kind of fell by the wayside…

Spinach Salad

This is a very traditional spinach salad.  You will use it over and over again.  There are other salads using spinach on the blog so if this  doesn’t float your boat today, just keep looking! Print Recipe Spinach Salad Prep Time 30 minutes Servings Ingredients 1 bag spinach1/2 red onion peeled and sliced thin4 mushrooms…


      This is  a traditional Greek dessert made with flaky fillo pastry and lots of honey,  butter, and nuts.   It has amazing texture, and unforgettable flavor.  It isn’t your typical holiday home- made cookie but this is your  chance to add it to your list.  Your family and friends will be thrilled.