Easy, Cheesy, Chicken Pot Pie

This is a family favorite at my house. It can be as easy or difficult as you want. I usually make extra and freeze some for a rainy day. A rotisserie chicken works great (or Traeger a chicken). i like to grill the corn, but the frozen peas, carrots and corn bag work great too. You can make your own gravy, but try this one first, i think you’ll love it.

Beer Batter Vegetables

This recipe was given to us by one of our dearest friends, Susan Standish.  Just like her, you can always count on it to be one of your favorites!!!  I know we are trying to avoid fatty, fried, foods but there are times when you just need to let your hair down and enjoy your…

Hollandaise Sauce

While I am not a recipe purest, there are definitely things you want to make from scratch and things that are just as good off the shelf that will save you time and don’t sacrifice taste or function.  Hollandaise sauce is something you want to make from scratch if at all possible.  The difference in…