Jock’s Chili’s Rellenos

Jock was looking for a relleno dish that he could make in individual servings.  After much research and extensive experimentation he has perfected this method that he is now sharing with you.  These not only look fantastic they taste as good as they look.  His method doesn’t in anyway compromise the taste you are looking…

Vegetable Pizza Salad

This recipe is pretty versatile. I have served it as part of an appetizer party. It can be served on a salad buffet, or I have even served it as the entrée in a light lunch.  It can be very showy so take your time arranging the vegetables. Print Recipe Vegetable Pizza Course appetizer Prep…

Cheesy Zucchini Bake

This was one of my mother’s favorite bar-b-que side dishes.  It makes sense to have a zucchini dish during summer bar-b-que season sense they are so plentiful.  I’m not going to write amounts because you just start filling the dish.  The size of the dish depends on the size of the crowd .  Pretty easy…