High Hat Popovers

Popovers are fun!  They’re a nice change from your basic dinner roll when you are in a festive mood.  There are special ‘popover pans’ but they are not required.  They will rise and shine in a cupcake pan just as well.   A food processor doesn’t beat in enough air for the desired lightness, so use…

Corn Bread (enhanced)

You will love this extra moist cornbread.  It’s a great partner to serve with Fabulous Chunky Chili, also found on this blog!

Corn Chowder with Clams

This is an all time favorite recipe.  For years we made it the night before Thanksgiving since it was easy to have on the back of the stove while making all the preparations for the next day’s feast.  Ever since Jason built his pizza oven we have spent Thanksgiving eve eating delicious pizza at his…

Green Beans with Cashews

This is a long time family favorite.  Probably its’ most traditional appearance is on the menu with ham and scalloped potatoes.  Just seems to be a winner!  Green beans are at their best when parboiled in advance and then heated quickly on top of the stove just before serving.

Cranberry Cream Pie

Cranberries need not be limited to sauces.  Their intense color and flavor, combined with a creamy, no bake filling, make a spectacular pie.  This was one of Deana’s favorite a few years ago.  She would give it to her friends on their birthdays.  It’s kind of gone under the radar the past few years which…

Pumpkin-Molasses Muffins

        These moist velvety muffins taste best when served with Ginger-Honey Butter!  Delicious for breakfast or make them in a mini pan and serve as part of a tea-party tray. 

Eggnog Cake

Can you imagine getting seventy fabulous pieces of cake from one recipe of batter?  Drenched with a heady brandy-and-rum glaze, these moist, nutmeg-scented squares don’t need garnishing.  But a rosette of hard sauce assures that they are irresistible, and a family favorite.

Honey Buttered Chicken Wings

This is an old chicken wing recipe.  It was a real go-to for years.  The boys would eat so many they would build log cabins on their plates with the bones!  Then came the chicken wing craze to make them the hottest, spiciest thing you could eat and these kind of fell by the wayside…

Cranberry Tarts

Foolproof cream-cheese pastry bakes into layers of flaky crispness.  Filled with vibrant cooked cranberries, these miniature pies bring Christmas sparkle to any dessert tray.

Frosted Brownie Squares

Rich, moist, and totally chocolaty, these squares are blanketed with a sleek, satiny chocolate glaze.   They are the ultimate chocolate cake/ brownie, great for a dessert platter or tea party.

Broccoli-Onion Casserole

This casserole is part of the McGowan Thanksgiving feast!  No casserole, no feast, it’s as simple as that.  I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Peanut Butter Cookies

Another all time favorite.  After school, in a lunch box, that ‘little something sweet’ after dinner.  These are a standby that is sure to please any cookie lover.