Cranberry Cream Pie

Cranberries need not be limited to sauces.  Their intense color and flavor, combined with a creamy, no bake filling, make a spectacular pie.  This was one of Deana’s favorite a few years ago.  She would give it to her friends on their birthdays.  It’s kind of gone under the radar the past few years which…

Eggnog Cake

Can you imagine getting seventy fabulous pieces of cake from one recipe of batter?  Drenched with a heady brandy-and-rum glaze, these moist, nutmeg-scented squares don’t need garnishing.  But a rosette of hard sauce assures that they are irresistible, and a family favorite.

Cream Puffs

This is a basic recipe for cream puffs.  The size you choose to make them will determine their function, ie; dessert, appetizer, etc. This recipe may be easily multiplied.  I have often made it using appropriate quantities in ratio to 6 eggs.  I’ve stuffed miniatures with chicken salad for appetizers, or filled them with a…

Cranberry Tarts

Foolproof cream-cheese pastry bakes into layers of flaky crispness.  Filled with vibrant cooked cranberries, these miniature pies bring Christmas sparkle to any dessert tray.

Frosted Brownie Squares

Rich, moist, and totally chocolaty, these squares are blanketed with a sleek, satiny chocolate glaze.   They are the ultimate chocolate cake/ brownie, great for a dessert platter or tea party.

Peanut Butter Cookies

Another all time favorite.  After school, in a lunch box, that ‘little something sweet’ after dinner.  These are a standby that is sure to please any cookie lover.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

This was the most popular recipe in our house when the boys were in school.  I would make a double batch almost every other day.  It wasn’t just the McGowan boys’ favorite,  it was the neighborhood favorite.  More than once, a group of smiling faces would come to the door to see “if the boys…

Oatmeal Cookies

The oatmeal cookie rose to popularity in the early 1900’s.  It has been one of my favorite’s ever since (he! he!)  O.K. so I probably didn’t find out about them until some delicious day after 1941!  I love the moist chewy flavor with an occasional sweet raisin surprise. If you are trying to justify eating…

Cream Wafers

These are not your typical ‘cookie jar’ cookies.  They are  delicate pastry-like rounds with a rich  filling. A  lovely addition to cookie trays for a tea or reception. They would also be a hit at any cookie exchange. Print Recipe Cream Wafers Prep Time 30 minutes Cook Time 10 minutes Passive Time 1 hour Servings dozen…


And old standby for sure.  Great cookie for kids because they aren’t real messy. 

Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

This is Jason’s favorite cookie.  So much so that in my 50 year old recipe book I have crossed out the name Chocolate Crinkles and re-named them Jason’s Cookies.  I have to say they are probably my favorite too.  What can I say, they are CHOCOLATE, and moist and chewy and festive looking with their…