Fruit and Vegetable Salad

Salad We have always liked this salad, but it got lost in the phenomenon of the recipe drawer that a non-professional might mistake as the town’ recycling center! It rose to the top of the pile this summer and we have all been pleased to see it again. Hope you enjoy the new addition also….

And the Winner Is……….

      Well here we are, another appetizer contest in the making.  Each year we think we topped the last year!  What do you think?

A Welcome Party for Aidan James!

       What can I say?  A precious  new member added to our family, a proud mommy ready to show him off, aunts, grandma’s, sister, and friends full of hugs and kisses, cuddles and smiles, and oooohs and aaaahs, now that says party!   Aunt Angie made the decorations.                                                                 Aunt Samantha made party favors….

Kaylee’s Birthday !!!

Oh wow!!! Do we know how to celebrate!!!  Picture a lakefront cabin in the beautiful woods surrounding Priest Lake Idaho.  A large family gathering including two of the cutest little toddler boys you would ever want to see.  ( I am not prejudiced of course).  Add a ton of good food, party decorations, and the…

Jeff’s Great 4th of July Pig Roast

Just another McGowan celebration for the record books!!!  You have to know by now that we love a party,  exceptional food,  great settings, tremendous friends and family,  mix well and you have a party,  add a roast pig and now you have a PARTEEEE!!!!  I was privileged to ride along and document the event.  What fun!  Following…

Writing a Blog III

Its been almost six months since I started this project.  Believe me, child birth was easier! (Of course in the 60’s and 70’s they gave you drugs for that…)   Anyway I think we finally have a format that is both informative and user friendly. We have a new “plug-in” for the recipes.  You will find…

J.D.’s Here!!!!!

     When J.D. comes the adventures begin!  First there is fishing, then some more fishing, and well you guessed it, why else would you come to Moses Lake  if you didn’t fish!      The other reason he comes, of course is to see family, and cook!!……fish!!!!!!  Since he lives on a sailboat in a marina…

And So It Goes/ the rest of the story….

As promised, here is a report on ‘the party’ as planned by our rookie party host, Jacob, with a little help from his friends. First, I just want to say a few words about Rubena the party honoree. What a gal! Brilliance, perserverance, high achiever, gracious friend are just a few of the adjectives to…

And so it goes…..

    A grandmother and her grandson walk into a bar… No, this isn’t a joke.  Jake and I went out for a drink yesterday afternoon.  The mission was  party planning, you should have guessed that by now.  We started by meeting at Party City, for inspiration, but as I drove up Grandpa was speaking in…

I Love a Party!

We’re waiting for you… Its been awhile since I’ve written.  I have been busy posting recipes, learning to edit said postings, learning how to navigate the blog, as well as how to help you readers get around.  I also have been inviting authors, (sons) to post their recipes.  I just can’t emphasize enough, how difficult…

learning to blog part II

Oh My Gosh!!! This has been a revolutionary morning. I started reading  food blogs recommended by the free lancer I talked to on Saturday. My first impression: I want to cook everything on these blogs!!!  They are beautiful, full of yummy looking food, (can you say “brulee doughnut holes”?) and so up to date and…