May’s Cooking Class

Wahoo!!!!  Cooking class and Audrey, (the beautiful ) took pictures!!!  It was a great class. The original plan was to make a vinaigrette for our teaching segment followed by Stromboli for the entrée.  During the month I ran across this picture of a cantaloupe melon salad (ribbit!) and fell in love with him.  Plans changed, we had melon salad and Stromboli, and as you can tell a good time was had by all.

As previously mentioned, recipes are found on the blog so we don’t have to enter them twice.  I am also including a rough sketch on cutting the melon that you will be able to print.  You will have to make some adjustments depending on the size of the cantaloupe you are able to find.

Here are a few images of the evening, just so you don’t think we make this up!  We have busy people scooping melon balls, wrapping Stromboli, and in general being pretty amazed out how talented we are!!!  He! He! He!   Next month is Pot Stickers!  Come join us.:)

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