Spinach Dip for Bread Bowl

I know you can find this recipe on the back of the package now, but when my mother first started using it you needed the recipe.  Now if they  ever quit publishing it we have it.  This bread bowl seems to come and go at appetizer parties but it is making a revival right now…

Beer Batter Vegetables

This recipe was given to us by one of our dearest friends, Susan Standish.  Just like her, you can always count on it to be one of your favorites!!!  I know we are trying to avoid fatty, fried, foods but there are times when you just need to let your hair down and enjoy your…

Shrimp and Mushroom Crepes

This recipe makes a beautiful first course that will set the mood for the repast to follow.  It is also excellent, on its own for a luncheon.  The crepe recipe is found elsewhere on the blog.  They are definetly  the ‘do-ahead’ part of this recipe.  This recipe will absolutely blow your guests skirts up right over their heads!!!!!…

Hot Artichoke Dip

A real party standard.  Never seems to get old. Print Recipe Hot Artichoke Dip Prep Time 30 minutes Cook Time 30 minutes Servings Ingredients 16 ounces canned artichoke hearts drained and chopped (not pickled)1 cup Parmesan cheese1 cup mayonnaise1 8 ounce container chopped green chiliesCorn Chips for dipping Prep Time 30 minutes Cook Time 30…

Cheese Ball

This appetizer has been a Christmas standard for 40 years.  The shape changes, at times, but the combination of cheeses rolled or covered in nuts stays the same.  Guess you just can’t improve on perfection, or a taste memory you are looking for.  So make this in three separate little logs, a giant ball or…

Blueberry Pie

Nothing like fresh blueberries when they are in season.  Enjoy the pie!  Also good with frozen berries. Print Recipe Blueberry Pie Prep Time 15 minutes Cook Time 50 minutes Servings Ingredients 3/4 cups white sugar3 tablespoons cornstarch1/4 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon4 cups blueberries2 pie crusts see flakey pie crust recipe elswhere on blog1 tablespoon butter…

Noreen’s White Bark Cookies

These cookies have all kinds of things going for them.  They are good tasting, will store well, and are child friendly for making since they are no-bake.  So gather the little ones around and start “cooking.” Print Recipe Noreen’s White Bark Cookies Prep Time 1/2 hour Servings dozen Ingredients 1 cup Rice Krispies1 cup Cherios2…

Cabbage Rolls

The first time I ever heard of a cabbage roll, I was married and had three children.  We took a trip to see Joe’s parents in Pennsylvania and what do you know there was talk about cabbage rolls.  It was  high on the list of favorites of most anyone you met.  There was talk of…

Spaghetti With Garlic Sauce

This is a very basic recipe.  It is a good side dish for most meat dishes.  The real fun with this recipe is when you add your own touches to the basic plan.  Jock’s favorite is to top it with mizithra cheese , Joe liked it with shrimp stirred in, I’m sure you will come…

Sugar Cookies

This is a very basic recipe used for cut-out cookies.  It’s probably 100 years old but my version comes from a cook book I got for a wedding gift in 1962.  Chilling the dough is the big secret to cut out cookies.  Some people roll it out on a cookie sheet, cut out your cookies…

French-Style Potatoes

For some reason these potatoes earned the name ‘hard potatoes’ in our family.  I guess to a bunch of little boys that was  the way you compared them to baked or mashed.  I call them  terrific, easy, and they can be dipped in ketchup when eating, another reason why they were a favorite of the…

Chocolate Mousse Cake

This was my dad’s favorite dessert.  Doubly delicious – part of the mousse bakes into a cake, the other part fills it.  This is a spectacular grand finale.  You can count on it every time.  Also, note it’s flourless if that is anyone’s concern. Print Recipe Chocolate Mousse Cake Prep Time 30 minutes Cook Time…