It’s Chicken Night

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Turning the carving knife over to Christine

We have been waiting for this class, we talked about it on several occasions, we planned, we even giggled, tonight we are posting, for the first time, the Cooking Class on the blog!!!! 

Class has proceeded quite well.  We are starting a new feature,  teaching a cooking skill during each class.  Tonight’s skill is cutting up a whole chicken.  Why? Although the markets are filled with every kind of chicken part you can imagine if you are a bargain shopper the price difference between whole chicken and chicken parts is significant.  You can be your own butcher, and packer and save a significant amount of money.  You also have the bonus of chicken backs for your stock pot.  We had a good sharp knife and although I have cut up chickens  for years, we also used as a guide, a U Tube video so we could have a reference when we were alone in our own kitchen.  The best one I found is the one from Gourmet Magazine.  Did you know the chicken actually has diagrams on its’ body to follow for cutting!  Check it out!!!!!

The menu item tonight is Cordon Bleu   There are many recipes to be found but after quite a bit of research  I chose the one that is featured on the blog. ( I will not be posting recipes twice, all cooking class recipes  can be found on the blog and printed)  I like this recipe  because it works!!!!  You don’t have to jam toothpicks in the meat before cooking, the meat stays moist and tender during the cooking process, and it introduces several make-ahead  options .

So what’s the big deal you say?  WE FORGOT TO TAKE PICTURES!!!!!  One of our class members, sometimes lovingly called  the ‘selfie queen’ noticed, …. after we had eaten the fruits of our labors, plus a lovely artichoke, …. as we are clearing the table and scraping the empty plates, ….then  we remembered we had only taken one  picture!  Live and learn I hope.

Next month out class skill will be making a vinaigrette, and the menu item is a Stromboli!



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