writing a blog

Well today I decided that a real blogger would be recording the process it took

to write a blog!

Here goes:

After the idea of writing a “legacy” blog was born, I , considering my self of slightly above average intelligence, proceeded to put it together.   There are a lot of bloggers in this world, it couldn’t be that hard to become one of them. (Dream on Sandy)  It didn’t take a bolt from the heavens to figure out I might need a little help.  Hence the word went out that I had a book about blogging on my Christmas list.  Jacob and Ruby delivered with a 755 page book titled Blogging for Dummies!  Excellent idea, except it wasn’t written in any English, American, (or as my mother would have said) it didn’t speak United States!!!!! There is a whole new language out there that I call computereeeze.

The next call for help was one Jeff issued , in my behalf, to Dan Butler a long time friend and computer expert by title.  He led me to Word Press which I did manage to decipher enough to get a blog address .  After some consideration mcgowanmealsandmemories.com can be found on the internet.

Next was content.  Word press happily enlists a group of freelance blog builders under the umbrella name of Upwork.  They even help you write your job description , with details like how you want your blog to work, as well as how long it will take and how much it will cost.

It’s March now and I’m speeding right along….. ha.!  Yesterday I had two people offer to interview with me .  This brings me to this weekend’s exercise.  These people want to interview over Skype!!!!  What a spectacular idea. ( I still am under the delirious idea that I have above average intelligence)  I spent my Friday night setting up a Skype account.  I have a Skype name, a Skype password and a Skype appointment with a lovely lady from  Upworks who will interview with me on Saturday morning.  I went to bed with such excitement!  Jacob is going to be so proud of me!  I am going to Skype.  I’ve tested the sound and the picture, I have an appointment, I AM WOMAN!

This morning finally came and I got ready for my appointment.  I wanted to make a good first impression.  Never done this Skype thing before.  What if this person thought I was too old to work with????  After I showered I even put on make up including eyebrows and eyelashes, something I haven’t done since Mexico!!!  I put a pillow in my computer chair to raise myself up in the picture so my double chin wouldn’t be so prominent.  It’s 8 a.m. appointment time and I am ready .

I opened my computer, logged on to Skype there was one of those happy faces waving to me and telling me I was ready to make the call , WOW. The first thing this screwy little guy wanted was the phone number of my  contact,  her name is Jessica, the angel of mercy.  Trouble is Upworks only provides a skype name!!!!  I message her on my phone that I’m trying to reach her and she says she will call me on Skype, got my info only to have her message me back she can’t find me!!!  I’m not even online!!! Even tho the idiot happy face is still waving at me!!!!!

Oh well,  I pleaded with Jessica to just call on my phone, if that was permitted.  It was and we had a wonderful talk.  She is going to send me to different blogs that she likes and from there I will pick my favorite format  Oh yes and I will learn how to Skype.  (Jacob or Michael please call to walk me thru this) This wonderful person seems open to working with a person that doesn’t speak the right language and for that I applaud her.  She must think I’m teachable, or maybe she just didn’t want to hurt my feelings .  Anyway if all goes well we should be Skyping and hopefully signing a contract in the next few days.

 I’ll keep you posted here, on my blog, now that I’m officially a blogger.

Oh yes, I hope she teaches me how to format since I have no idea what all those funny little paragraphs and fonts were in the beginning.


0 Comments Add yours

  1. Angie McGowan says:

    HEHEHE!! Love it!!! You are my inspiration Sandy!

  2. Mike says:

    How had I not heard of this?! Awesome 🙂 idea Sandy, I look forward to picking up a few recipes, can I suggest starting with your (soon to be world famous) carrot cake?

  3. Jason McGowan says:

    20 years ago, if someone had called my mom a ‘blogger’ I would have punched them In the lip!

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