learning to blog part II

Oh My Gosh!!! This has been a revolutionary morning.

I started reading  food blogs recommended by the free lancer I talked to on Saturday.

My first impression: I want to cook everything on these blogs!!!  They are beautiful, full of yummy looking food, (can you say “brulee doughnut holes”?) and so up to date and exciting.  What was I thinking, that I could write a blog?

OK,  get ahold of yourself Sandy, if you did cook all these things you’d have to eat them.  That  would solve the blog or not to blog question,  I wouldn’t fit in the chair at the computer if I did that!!!!  So reflect on why you wanted to blog in the first place,  to record family recipes and memories for all time.  Since our family was basically built in the kitchen and around the table that’s where a history  of us should center.  My recipes do look old and some are not  relevant  today (after all the only time in 60 years of cooking I  used kale was to garnish  fruit trays) but history is important too.  If it wasn’t there wouldn’t be an Old Testament!!!

So I say again, “here we go boys”, we will record all our old recipes and start submitting new ones.  After all the new ones will be old some day!!!!  Join the fun!!!

P.S for those of you who are as new to blogging as I am, if you write a comment it won’t get posted until somebody out there e-mails it to me for my approval. Once I approve it will be posted to the blog ! Word Press is in charge of that process so just post and click and they will take care of the rest:)

0 Comments Add yours

  1. Jeffrey says:

    This is awesome. Can’t wait to see all the recipes, and to post some too! My mom rocks.

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